6 September 2015

Asasi TESL #2


aihh lama jugak tak update after Asasi TESL #1 hari tu kan. manjang je malasnya, time rajin nak update ada buah nak mengisi, ada pulak kerja nak kena buat. so, sampai hari ni tergendala haa. 

okay, now let's get started.

sem 2 sebenarnya takde beza sangat pun. tukar classmates baru, ada a few lecturers baru, and belajar subjek baru.

subjek sem 2:

  • CTU II
  • Writing II
  • Listening & Speaking II
  • Grammar II
  • Reading II
  • Introductory Literature
  • Basic Principles in Education
  • Language & Drama
  • total credit hours; 26

sem 2, i just have my 2 former classmates from 1E, and fortunately both are girls (we got 3 boys je pun). bila dapat tahu kena streaming kelas, dah agak mesti classmates pun tukar sekali, so iRedha. at first memang laa, susah nak rapat sbb masing-masing got their own konco-konco kan, bila buat assignments in group pun, tak campur dgn org lain. well, that's normal though. once we're used to work with the same person, jadilah mcm tu. 

-- our very first selfie --

--- mochiz with Miss Juritah, lecturer utk subjek Reading ---
(the one in grey; Lola. kenal time MDS, masuk sem 2 jadi classmates. those two in black shawl; Ed & Yuz-- former classmates.)

so, how do we get close to each other? through drama competition. at first, kitorang takde pun plan like, "okay everyone must take part in this competition bla bla" sbb lecturer informed kitorang, not all of us will take part. but then, tukar plan, semua kena join sbb melibatkan banyak benda; props, costumes, scripts, PA system, director co-, etc etc. so okaylah, semua in-charged. this competition was held 2 weeks after CNY, so on Feb right? haa in that 2 weeks time tu laa we've become close bcs there were so many things that we have to settle down within that period.

2A, biasalah, kita sendiri yg insecure dgn budak kelas depan even dorang maybe tak rasa apa pun bila nampak kitorang. maybe okay, maybe. before bertanding, Miss Afifa ada pesan yg dia kalau boleh nak tengok kitorang perform kat DTS (Dewan Taming Sari) during Literature Night #spillinknotblood.. kitorang ni actually serba salah sbb kalau boleh nak habis kat Dewan Syahbandar je, tapi apakan daya, dah rezeki Allah nak bagi, we got top 3 and managed to perform during that night. wah, time tu rasa mcm puas hati gila but at the same time risau sbb nak kena buat, tambah props baru.

-- night practice, road to success (gittew haha) --

-- first performance @ Dewan Syahbandar --

2A paling lambat perform, plan awal nak habiskan before solat jumaat, tapi sbb ada a few classes yg perform over the time limit, so terpaksalah sambung lepas solat jumaat. kitorang mesti laa risau takut ramai tak datang sbb semua dah penat kot, dari pagi tercongok kat situ, kena pulak 2A je yg perform petang tu, memang tak expect ramai yg akan datang but Alhamdulillah, ramai.. and surprisingly, the crowds loves our performance so much! they even stand up and gave us a big round of applause once we finished our performance. and the lecturers praised our performance and our costumes too haha

-- crew backstage at DTS --

a week after, we performed at Dewan Taming Sari. only 3 classes were selected; 2A, 2C and 2G. Alhamdulillah, malam tu ada 2 batch seniors yg datang and support as this was the very first event that being held by our faculty, and they are proud with us bcs we're managed to handle the big event. 

besides drama performances, we also have poetry slam by TESL students. although we cant gather many Lendurians as there were also other events being held by other faculties on that night, but the event was a huge success among us. 

and once again, 2A got the first place for the drama competition, and our main actor, Russell, got the best main actor award. Alhamdulillah wuhuu

-- with our Miss Afifa, the one that in charged in giving us spirits to not give up for this competition --

------ done with drama thingy haha. moving forward to another memories in Lendu (sobs rindu :'( )

-- celebrating Mdm Nisa's birthday --
(gigih tau time ni, ada MUET speaking test kat Masjid Tanah, cecepat balik then terus naik fakulti (sanggup tak ponteng kelas ehemm) semata nak celebrate sekali haha)

-- Miss Juritah's birthday --

-- Mr Amirul *emoji mata love* *gelak jahat* --
one of Asasi TESL seniors and becomes one of TESL lecturers wehuu

 -- ME, Lola and Yuz --

 -- last day final exam --
selfie sampai lebam! hahaha
(from the left: Lola, Ed, ME, Azman and Hazim)

all in all, tu jelah yg aku mampu recap sikit sebanyak utk sem 2. TESL sumpah aku cakap, memang bukan senang. nampak senang sbb basic english, tapi siapa yg pernah join TESL family, kami je yg tau susah senang dia tahap petala apa. asasi ni kau bayangkan dia punya tough mcm kau budak degree. all the hardworks will never be paid off if you take this course for granted! 

jangan pernah rasa selesa bila dah ada kat atas sbb semua tu kejap je, Allah akan tarik balik. haa lepas tu menangislah kau air mata darah sekalipun kalau tak dapat IV, MEDSI, and tak lepas min requirement UPU. 

dengan CGPA 2.91 and MUET band 3 mcm aku ni, jangan mimpi nak senang-senang masuk degree english course. UNISZA yg cikai tu pun nak MUET band 4 tau dak kalau nak masuk fakulti bahasa! tapi... kalau rasa family tu kaya sangat, 7 keturunan harta tak habis makan, then go apply for IPTS by self sponsored.

sekian dari aku, yg mereput kat rumah, tengah tunggu degree tapi tak dapat. mampu positifkan diri je ni haa (positive vibes... come to mama! *gittew*)... anyway, good luck gaiss! 

P/S; adik-adik yg dapat masuk Dengkil tu, jangan sia-siakan peluang & kesenangan yg ada sbb senior korang ni semua dah cukup penat nak survive dlm keadaan dianaktirikan ;)